One of our donors suggested that we post a list of items widely needed by the poor in El Salvador, so we asked Walter to think of all the items he could and their usual price. Here goes:

Wheelchair $450

5 lb can of powdered milk $18

Folding bed $45

Corrugated roofing metal for houses $70/dozen sheets

Children’s shoes $15

100 lbs. beans $60

100 lbs. rice $60

100 lbs. sugar $100

School notebooks $.50 each

Bottle of children’s vitamins $5.00

Wood planks for houses $35/dozen

School desk and chair $35

Box of 100 medical exam gloves $7.50

One-year scholarship for high school student $750 for full, $250 “media beca”

One classroom $5000

One library with books $10000

So whether you choose to mail your donations or donate online, just send us a note telling us what you would like to pay for (I don’t know if one is able to send a message with online donations). Then perhaps you’ll have the privilege of seeing photos like these result from your gift: here is a seasoned Salvadoran sitting in his new wheelchair courtesy of a generous TLAU donor.

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